Custom Bookshelf Cabinets Chester Springs, PA

Custom Bookshelf Cabinets Chester Springs, PA designed by Kountry Kraft, Inc. for an office in Chester Springs, Pennsylvania. This custom bookshelf is crafted out of Mahogany wood and stained in our Wineberry color. The bookshelves against the wall reach from the floor to the ceiling and are full of books. The office also contains decorations appropriate for this room such as a globe, a bust, reading lamp, end table, armchair, and a desk.
#KountryKraft #CustomCabinetry #Office
The custom bookshelf cabinets in this office make this the ideal room for studying and research.
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Category: Office
Location: Chester Springs, Pennsylvania
Cabinetry Style: Traditional
Door Design: CRP10 Door Style with an Ogee Framing Bead
Custom Color: Wineberry Stain
Designer: Kountry Kraft, Inc.
Company: Kountry Kraft, Inc.
Designer Links: Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter |
Job Number: H75153
Design Inspiration:You can create an office environment designed specifically for the way you work, featuring custom office cabinets, built-in bookcases, custom file storage and one-of-a-kind pieces that are designed to be effective and convenient. Your office space needs to mirror your workflow and be efficient to the way you and your family work. Having a functional area to manage your mail, personal finances, books, files, and other documents is an important step to organizing your home.