Designing a Kitchen that Instagram Loves
By / January 18, 2021 February 24, 2023Furniture, Lighting and Décor recently wrote an article that explores the trends of a kitchen that garner the most likes on Instagram. Here are the most important trends to feature in your kitchen if you want Instagram users to hit that like button:
- Shaker kitchen cupboards
- Wooden floors
- White cupboards & flowers/plants
- Kitchen island
- Brass door handles & marble countertops
Now, don’t think you have to cram every trend into your kitchen design in order to get a lot of likes. It’s never worth it to force something that doesn’t fit. But, the most popular kitchens on Instagram did all contain various combinations of these trends, with the number one kitchen featuring all but two of these elements. The more of these trends that you can cohesively blend, the more likes you’ll probably get.

A Starting Point
Shaker kitchen cupboards are a great base to build your design around because out of all the top kitchen posts, they were featured a whopping *92.6% of the time. While they’re a highly traditional style, shaker cupboards are only growing in popularity. It’s clear that people love this look.
Supporting Trends
Wooden floors are the second biggest trend, in 74% of the top posts analyzed. White cupboards and flowers/plants are both in third place, with each of them being in 70.4% of the top posts. White walls were also a big hit, suggesting that people love white kitchens in general. Kitchen islands were featured in 51.9% of the top posts, while brass door handles and marble countertops were both featured in 44.4% of the top posts.
No matter how you combine these trends, they’re sure to help your kitchen design become “Insta-worthy!”
*All percentages rounded to the nearest tenth.
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